Haykaram Avetisyan finished Yerevan secondary school #161 and in 2006, he was accepted to the Armenian State University of Economics. “When I discovered that I was admitted to the paid educational system of the university, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” he told us. Haykaram lives with his mother, and he was just five years old when his father left them. Haykaram’s mother worked as an accountant at Nairit factory, and thus managed to raise her son alone and finance his education. However, she herself needed assistance due to a handicap.
In order for Haykaram to attend university, they would have to pay the tuition fee of 400,000 AMD (over 1,000 USD). Just when the boy had made a decision to leave the university, his mother noticed an announcement for FAR’s Mathevosian Scholarship Program posted at the university. Haykaram applied to the Program, and was selected as a beneficiary. Additionally, since he has received excellent grades for three consecutive years at the University, as a fourth-year student he now studies in the free educational system. Haykaram receives FAR’s monetary stipend of 80,000 AMD to cover his living expenses and assist his mother.
Haykaram is interested in more than just economics - he attends dance classes and is fond of R&B and Hip-Hop. Currently, he is a member of the “ARAI” dance troupe and balances this interest alongside his interest in economics. “I do my best to keep the balance,” confessed Haykaram. He is currently working on a project to organize a televised dance competition in Armenia. The aim is to discover talented young dancers.

In a nutshell, Haykaram Avetisyan takes both dance and economics very seriously. FAR is delighted to help a stellar student like Haykaram pursue his studies while maintaining his extracurricular interests and supporting his mother.