Extending a lifeline to our Artsakhi brothers and sisters
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Extending a lifeline to our Artsakhi brothers and sisters

A dark of storm of violence has erupted as Azerbaijan unleashed a relentless onslaught of military terror this week-- raining down destruction upon the ancient land of Artsakh. Their cold-hearted facade claimed to offer safe passage for civilians; a sinister ruse cloaked in false compassion.

The toll is grievous: innocent lives shattered--including the frail and the children--and countless Armenians are being forced from their ancestral homes. These innocent souls are now embarking on an arduous journey, seeking refuge as the newest wave of Artsakh's displaced.

But alas, the international stage remains eerily silent, devoid of the resounding condemnation this aggression deserves. No significant sanctions against the Azeri aggressors from supposed allies nor from any international body. It seems that nothing can stem the merciless Azeri assault against the people of Artsakh.

Two years ago, after the harrowing 44-day war that scarred Artsakh, FAR launched a vital initiative to support the refugees who had been uprooted from their occupied homelands, helping them resettle in Armenia. Your unwavering support was a beacon of hope, offering solace to our brothers and sisters in the midst of despair. Thanks to you, we were able to provide shelter, sustenance, medical care, and crucially, psychological support--guiding children back to the comforting embrace of education.

While the events of the coming days or possibly weeks remain uncertain, one this is clear: Armenia will soon witness an influx of refugees from Artsakh. Once more, we reach out to you, our unwavering friends, seeking your support. The challenges ahead are bound to be immense, and the path to rebuilding shattered lives will be a formidable one. Today, we beseech our Friends to stand with FAR as we embark on this new mission, extending a lifeline to our brothers and sisters whose lives lie in ruins due to the ravages of the merciless enemy. Together, we can offer them hope that does not falter.

For over a decade, FAR has been one of the stalwart guardians of Armenia's border regions, earning your trust through our unwavering commitment to the people in need. We hope, that as we find ourselves again in this hour of need, you will once again respond with the same unwavering generosity.

Please consider supporting FAR generosity, either through our online portal by following this link, or by mailing your check to the FAR office at: 630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016 USA.

The tempest may rage, but together, we can be the lighthouse that guides these shattered souls to safer shores.

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