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One Nation, One Culture. An All-Armenian Festival.

Armenia is a nation with a large diaspora. Armenians living abroad triple the country’s population. The reasons for this, of course, are different. The main reason is the Armenian Genocide of 1915, when hundreds of thousands of Armenians fled to Lebanon, Syria, Russia, Europe, America, and Australia as a result of Turkish massacres. Unfortunately, the migration continues today due to social hardships.

The 4th annual All-Armenian Festival “One Nation, One Culture,” recently opened in Yerevan. It aims to tie together the Armenian Diaspora, offer Armenians an opportunity to relate to each other, and also promote Armenian culture. The festival is organized by the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of the Diaspora, which approved the program at the end of last year. Within the frameworks of the festival, cultural events were initially held in different regions of the country and in all Diaspora communities to select the best participants.

Fifteen hundred participants from 13 countries are visiting Armenia for this event. Half of them are from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), 131 are from the Middle East, 103 come from Europe, 42 are from the Northern America, and 80 are from Karabagh.

In addition to the concerts, special classes for dance teachers from the Diaspora will be organized and the All-Armenian Conference of Representatives of Performance Art will take place.

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