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“Pinajian – Master of Abstraction of Discovered” Comes to Los Angeles.

Another art exhibit will open in May. This one, focusing on abstract painter Arthur Pinajian, will be at the Zorayan Museum in Los Angeles.

Via The Armenian Reporter

Los Angeles - When Professor William Innes Homer, dean of American art historians, was asked to examine the life's work of an unknown artist in 2007, he was stunned by what he found: a large body of extraordinary abstract landscape and figurative paintings by a highly gifted artist who was completely unknown in his lifetime.

Soon a team of art historians was conducting research into the life and art of Arthur Pinajian [1914-1999]. The result is a book and traveling exhibition entitled, Pinajian: Master of Abstraction Discovered, which will appear at the Zorayan Museum, which is located within the St. Leon Armenian Cathedral of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church.

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