As 2021 comes to a close we want to thank you for enabling us to make a big impact in the lives of so many people in Armenia and Artsakh. Your trust in FAR and your support of our mission were most inspiring in the midst of the never diminishing challenges and uncertainties of 2021.
This past year, we directly touched the lives of more than 50,000 people, and more than 250,000 indirectly.
We helped them to regain hope for a better life in myriad ways, such as the reconstruction and refurbishment of 58 schools and daycare centers, and professional training for more than 250 doctors and nurses.
We provided critical medical equipment to 64 hospitals and clinics and supported 57 small family businesses and farmers.
We provided scholarships to more than 550 young, talented students from low-income families across Armenia, and trained more than 100 veterans to compete in the IT industry.
We started to lay the foundation for a new social protection system in Artsakh, awarded financial grants to 28 of the most qualified teams of Armenian scientists so they could conduct their cutting-edge research, and helped about 900 elderly at five different FAR Soup Kitchens and at Vanadzor Old Age Home to receive a hearty daily meal.
We created a state-of-the-art Vocational Training Center for children with disabilities, provided healthy daily meals to more than 2,600 children between the ages of 2 and 5—and much, much more.
We are excited to do even more in 2022 because of your increased support.
Thank you so very much!
Happy New Year and Merry Armenian Christmas!