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An Important Time for Mothers

For seven years, the Mardigian Child Protection Center has offered services to youth and families in need in Armenia’s Tavush Province. Now, more than 200 are assisted by the center.

Its latest initiative, a mother’s group, provides a safe space where mothers of at-risk children can discuss family challenges in a group setting.

About 120 mothers meet twice a month with the center’s psychologists, pedagogues, and social workers to talk about their children’s developmentand interpersonal relationships. Center staff lead positive parenting skills training, conflict resolution courses, and even teach household budget management.

In addition, mothers can participate in sewing and embroidery classes, which are skills they can use to make a small income—something extremely valuable in this impoverished region of the country.

“We found that these women are able to really support one another in terms of how to get through the conflicts that occur within their families,” said center social worker Natella Tumanyan. “This center provides a pleasant, inviting, and interactive space for mothers.”

The Mardigian Child Protection Center is part of the BCPP project, which is supported by the Mardigian Foundation.

This project will end soon but you can support our work helping Armenia’s families by donating on our website today.

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