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Be a beacon of light in the children’s lives

As we come together to celebrate International Child Protection Day today, it is with a heavy heart that we reflect on the plight of approximately 30,000 children in Artsakh who are still enduring a humanitarian crisis. These innocent souls have been deprived of the fundamental right to experience a safe and nurturing childhood due to the ongoing blockade of the only road connecting Artsakh with Armenia and the external world, which has persisted for over 6 months now.

For more than 160 days, these children have been denied the opportunity for a healthy and promising start in life. They lack access to vital resources such as nutrition, early childhood and adolescent development programs, education, and essential healthcare services. As a result, their mental well-being has been pushed to its limits.

Despite the challenges, FAR has been working tirelessly to support the children of Artsakh. Through the expertise of the specialists at the first Social-psychological Center in Martuni, we have provided instrumental assistance to help these young individuals overcome the psychological barriers they face. Furthermore, via our Breathe Easy initiative, we have successfully assisted 100 children from Artsakh suffering from asthma by providing them with more than a year's supply of asthma medication. Nevertheless, the demand for assistance has reached unprecedented levels.

Now, more than ever, the children of Artsakh rely on our unwavering commitment and generosity. We refuse to stand idle in the face of their adversity. We must come together to ensure their safety, well-being, and future.

On the Children's Day in Armenia and Artsakh, let’s make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children, providing them with the protection and care they desperately need.

Join us today in protecting the childhood of Artsakh's most vulnerable children. Donate now and be a beacon of light in their darkest times.

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