As COVID-19 continues to tighten its grip on Armenia one of its consequences still remains food insecurity for certain populations as the result of the government lockdown. To mitigate emergency challenges caused by the outbreak, FAR has kept its soup kitchens open throughout. Recently, FAR conducted an additional distribution of one-month's worth of food and hygiene supplies to nearly 800 beneficiaries and 21 staff members of the organization’s five soup kitchens. This support was made possible thanks to a generous donation from The Mardigian Family Foundation.

FAR’s Soup Kitchen Program Coordinator Rafik Martirosyan said that if not for the soup kitchens, many people could have suffered from acute hunger during the past few months. “The arrival of COVID-19 has exacerbated the situations of people who were already in a tight corner. When this all started many people came to us with the request that we not close the soup kitchens. Now, these emergency packages will also help to ensure their food and hygiene security while they continue to remain at home.”
Martik Palanduzyan, a cook for FAR’s Berd Soup Kitchen, said that the variety and quantity of food and hygiene supplies came as a nice surprise to beneficiries. “The packages each weighed about 17kg, which will get them through one month—rice, buckwheat, different varieties of pastas, flour, sugar, oil, soap, dishwashing liquid, and even medical masks. Many of them cannot afford food, let alone protective masks that they can reuse. They were more than happy.”