As part of its response to COVID-19 FAR launched a webinar training series specifically geared toward healthcare professionals. Four hundred and fifty of Armenia’s doctors from seven different regions participated in the trainings, which were launched in partnership with Armenia’s National Institute of Health.
The series, which was held via Zoom, aimed to share the medical community’s knowledge and best practices to date about COVID-19, including its level of contagion and impact among different age groups.
“The primary focus was on the clinical process of the pandemic, how to differentiate the situation of the patients between mild, moderate and extreme cases, and what guidelines are being used in Armenia,” says Dr. Narina Sargsyants, Health Ministry Advisor in Infectious Diseases, and Assistant to the Chair of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Health.
Specific topics ran the gamut from how to treat diabetic patients to lab testing and research methods, to how to care for COVID patients at home, and how to curtail spread of the disease in medical facilities.
“The webinar helped me to synthesize all of the information I was reading on the internet and use it in a more organized and efficient way,” said Dr. Anahit Gasparyan, an ophthalmologist from Kapan Medical Center.
“No one was ready for COVID-19 and we are no exception, however these trainings helped us to quickly prepare medical personnel so that all healthcare units are better prepared to combat the pandemic,” said Dr. Sargsyants.