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Happy Thanksgiving from FAR

This Thanksgiving, we hope that you find yourselves in a better place. Although 2021 has thus far been markedly better than the previous year there are still many challenges to normalcy.

Still, this year, because of you, FAR has been able to do some great work. Namely, helping those most impacted by Artsakh’s War of 2020—from veterans to displaced families. And while there is so much more that needs to be done, your support is once again the bright, shining ray of hope that enables us to surmount the challenges and help rebuild lives and pave a way forward for so many.

Year after year, we are honored by your support. This Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for you.

And so, wherever you are and however you choose to spend this holiday, we hope that you, indeed, take the day to appreciate the gifts each of you have in your lives, whatever they may be.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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