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Happy Thanksgiving from FAR!

In a world that seems to have been spun upside down by the tumult of both natural and human-made disasters, the heartbreaking loss of Artsakh, alongside the forced displacement of families from their cherished ancestral homes, and the tragic events in the Middle East, it becomes all too easy to lose faith in the existence of goodness and struggle to find a haven of comfort and peace.

Amidst the chaos, however, the enduring anchors remain – the sanctuary of family and loved ones. Thanksgiving, in its essence, serves as a compelling reminder to reflect upon the things that render our lives meaningful. It is also a reminder to us of the transformative impact you have been making through FAR, breathing hope into the lives of the less privileged in Armenia and Artsakh. Your actions resonate across thousands of miles, where our people think of you with gratitude and acknowledge the care, kindness, and generosity you extend to them.

In this extraordinary season of gratitude, we extend heartfelt wishes to you and your dear ones for a Thanksgiving filled with joy and warmth. Your efforts contribute significantly to helping FAR carry out its mission, making the lives of so many people in the motherland brighter, and making the world a better place. They are truly a testament to the power of compassion.

With gratitude and warm regards, Happy Thanksgiving!

— From all of us at FAR

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