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Nicholas Shakespeare’s Inheritance.

Interesting Q&A with writer Nicholas Shakespeare reveals his connection with the Armenian community and his inspirations for writing about an Armenian family.

The idea that a country could wish to join the European Union, and yet continue to overlook its part in the massacre of 1.5 million men women and children, goaded me to learn more. And the more I learned, the more I reacted in the way that Maral observed: ‘I grew up with it, but people who hear it for the first time are enraged.’”

- Khachik Melekyan

A couple of months ago I received a copy of The Economist, a publication I favor the most nowadays, to find out about a book written by critically acclaimed novelist Nicholas Shakespeare titled, Inheritance. The novel exacerbated my interest because one of its protagonists was of Armenian descent. The short review provoked my desperate search for the book, which was not available in the United States at that time, so I ordered it through Amazon’s UK site.

The author chose a story that evolved around a mysterious protagonist – Krikor Makertich, who inherited his wealth to a stranger. The book is adventurous and very interesting; it also contains deep philosophic ideas about the value of life, its unexpected turns, and sudden resolutions.

I devoured the content in only two days in preparation for a literary review in Yerevan Magazine’s March/April 2011 issue. Below is an additional Q&A with Mr. Shakespeare.


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