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Primate’s Easter Message.

The Fund for Armenian Relief would like to wish every one of our readers a very Happy Easter, in which we recognize Christ's sacrifice and his joyous resurrection.

At the same time, we also remember the unspeakable horrors and atrocities of the Armenian Genocide and how each of us must continue the fight for recognition and justice for this stain on humanity.

Via The Eastern Diocese Blog

On Easter Sunday, Christ was raised from the dead—and the old world, long held hostage by sin and death, was overcome, and vanquished.Nearly two thousand years later, we still re-live the things Christ said and did during his Last Supper: through the Holy Badarak, we place ourselves in the position of his disciples, and listen as our Lord speaks to us.

From the depths of his love, Christ speaks to his children in many ways.Perhaps he is telling us something again, in the rare coincidence of dates we will experience this Easter.In our church, we are accustomed to joyously celebrating Christ’s victory over death one week, and then mourning in remembrance of the Genocide on Armenian Martyrs Day, a few weeks later. But in 2011—for the first time ever—the two observances will fall on the same date.

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