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FAR Revitalizes Dilijan Music School

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Renovations funded by a generous Fund for Armenian Relief benefactor have transformed a decrepit Soviet-era building into a revitalized learning center, bringing quality education to talented students in Armenia’s impoverished Tavush region.

Thanks to extensive renovations funded by the Harry and Suzanne Toufayan Foundation, the State Art College in Dilijan has reopened to serve some 250 students between the ages of 7 and 17. Throughout the completed building, music and architecture combine through art. The new interior is decorated with musical instruments—including the school’s original 75-year-old piano—and statues of Armenian composers Armen Tigranyan and Romanos Melikyan. Local visitors are attracted to the school to view the design work therein.

“A center for the arts should be enticing and inspirational,” said principal Hasmik Mkrtumyan. “Our college is now clean, comfortable, and modern—fully supporting our mission. Thanks to the renovation we can host public concerts. Our spacious hall is equipped with 300 new chairs and has its own entrance.”

As the large-scale renovations funded by the Toufayans (pictured above) approached completion, several longtime FAR supporters added their own contributions to specific aspects of the school. The Bazarian family funded the new music hall; support for the project also came from David and Myrna Onanian, the Mirak-Weissbach Foundation, and the Galust Galo Fund. Thanks to these and other donations, FAR provided some 35 fine instruments to the school, including pianos, violins, clarinets, flutes, trumpets, drums, duduks, and pipes.

Since the renovation, five Dilijan students have earned coveted recognition in the renowned Meghedi Republican Music Competition. Two young musicians won first prizes in their respective competitions.

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