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Summer Dolma.

And I was looking everywhere for a great Armenian Summer recipe -

Here it is. Summer Dolma.

The smell inside Anahit Harutyunyan’s corridor draws attention and kicks saliva glands into action. Summer dolma is on the stove and all neighbors know that the odor leads to a pot of good eating.

The women in the building accuse Anahit of having a “secret” ingredient that she guards closely.

Anahit agrees that she does: Her cooking philosophy . . .

“When preparing food, you must put soul in to it, this is the most important. One must have good thoughts, the mood should be high. One must think that people will not get enough of it while tasting,” says Anahit.

Cooking summer dolma is a real festivity for 62-year old Anahit. She follows all kitchen rules while preparing dolma. The process is launched when Anahit puts a kilo of milled beef into a bowl, adds 250 grams of pork fat, 7-8 onions, 200 grams round rice and a little bit of warmish water. While mixing the mincemeat by hand, she adds greens and spices.

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